Grila Bode
Keeping on exposing, suburban gastro-treasures, beloved on da hoods– covered from the sight of central Riga dwellers. Idea generators and owners, Algis & Roman, are chefs themselves, their passion and idea is real simple! The showcase the yummiest traditions of Latvian grill. Their BBQ is made on the mangal (open charcoal brazier) giving your spare ribs, chicken breast, calf liver shashlik (probably the only in town), salmon or veggies this distinctive open-fire touch. We loved the ingredient selection: low on fat, handsome chunks of prime quality, some are swelled with lamb fat for juiciness. Everything gets pre-marinated in home-made salsas before laying on grill. Also home-made pickled and marinated goodies. Burgers, soups, salads beer snacks served and consumed in an easy-peasy atmosphere. Check out even greater snugness of their Jugla house-restaurant outlet!