Latvian chef Igor and Georgian chef Georgy teamed up for the true essence of the right comfort food. Using meat from small local suppliers: beef from their burgers from Latgale region, local pork for their heavenly ribs. Tiny and totally unpretentious restaurant/counter lists only 3-4 meals: chicken smoked in their in-house smoke-room and baked till gentle crunch, Georgian lobio (traditional Georgian vegan from beans (cooked or stewed), containing coriander, walnuts, garlic and spices), chakhokhbili (Georgian chicken stew in a rich and thick tomato sauce with lots of onions and cilantro), home made sourdogh bread, burgers closer to the weekends. All other random international street food goodies, like quesadillas, tacos, sandwiches, falafel are your lucky catch. Don't have fixed ideas– trust the chefs, whatever they make is mind-blowing! You can enjoy your meal on any of the neighbouring bars terraces.