New opened concert hall was built by architect M.Gelzis on 1962. This concert hall of Dzintari became the most popular and the most prominent concert hall of health resort in whole Soviet Union.
The season of concerts was lasting for three months- from June till August. The Latvian orchestras usually performed on June, but the guest orchestras from Moscow, Leningrad or other USSR cities- on July and August.
Famous soloists came to Dzintari, like G. Bashkirov, L.Berman, A.Lubimov, G.Kremer, V.Spivakov, M.Vainman, M.Homicer, M.Rostropovich and others.
There were special concerts performed by prominent foreign music bands like National symphonic orchestra from Warsaw (1959), Royal symphonic orchestra from Denmark (1966), symphonic orchestra from Berlin (1972).
Dzintari concert hall becomes a very well attended place of chamber music and light music on seventies and eighties of the last century.
The conference of Chatokva happened in Dzintari on 1986 which was the first messenger and it indicated of changes about oncoming of Baltic. This conference was attended by public representatives from USA and USSR.
Slowly the many important cultural projects became real after country revival of independence, like "Ballet stars in Jurmala", Gidon Kremer and his chamber orchestra "Kremerata Baltica", festival "Summertime- invites Inese Galante", Festival of Opera music, as well as many other concerts of Latvian bands. Also festival of humor "Jurmala", "Club of Cheerful and Witty" and the international music festival "New Wave".
It is a quite increase of amount of concerts by every season since 2000.
Today Dzintari Concert Hall is one of the most popular concert venues in Latvia.