The Beginnings
Riga health-food restaurant-pioneer, operating since 2011. Raw Garden delivers freshest world trends in gluten, meat, fish, milk, egg free seasonal dining using also mainly local and when possible eco produce. Slick, contemporary restaurants are fully packed with 'flexitarians' (easy-going clientele, otherwise enjoying not only vegetarian/vegan diet). Sin free confectionary, healthfood shop, smoothie/juice bar, restaurants are adepts of clean eating - concept that stresses whole, unprocessed foods, free from additives, low in salt, fat and free from sugar. Try out their daily set menu (11.30-16.00) and the only Riga fully healthful brunches. Don't forget to take-away something from their vast 'The Beginnings' healthfood product array, handmade on 45Cº, using no stove or oven to keep all nutrients alive and all ingredients fresh. Also superfood power-balls and enormous Matcha tea drinks. Vigorous, fingerlickin'– Phenomenal!