Riga can thank Heinrihs Erhards, for bringing affordable
gourmet to town. In comparison with his trend-setting
small menu projects, Laivas is the most mature, full-scale
and personal establishment. And furthermore, it is a gastronomical
meditation on his first gourmet experiences.
In the eighties, Laivas was top 3 restaurant in Jürmala,
and a favourite special occasion retreat of Erhard’s family.
Now, Heinrihs regained and multiplied its former
glory. The cuisine concept could be described as ‘Nordic
with seasonal twist on intercultural menu bound with
Latvian cuisine’. Latvian and Nordic fish, smoked, grilled,
steamed, fried, boiled, tartarted on the spot and expertly
combined with seasonal vegetables and herbs. Fresh
and juicy vegetarian and meat grills and very special,
extremely healthy and yummy vegan, raw food desserts
with super food. Perfect river view and one of the best
terraces in Jürmala, yet affordable!