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Spirited Away. Simple Music Ensemble World

Music from the world-famous anime "Spirited Away" by Hayao Miyazaki will be performed by Simple Music Ensemble World.

"Spirited Away" is a cult work of the great Japanese storyteller Hayao Miyazaki. This is the first animated film that won the Academy Award as the best full-length cartoon. This is a story about a little girl who finds herself in a mysterious world and goes through many trials to save her parents from the charms of an evil witch.

Each cartoon by Hayao Miyazaki is a separate world with its own rules, philosophy and ideas. The magical music of the composer Joe Hisaishi, who acts as his full co-author, has become an important part of Miyazaki's artistic language. Hisaishi writes the soundtrack not after the film has already been created, but in parallel with its production. The composer, after receiving a short description of the film, on its basis composes music. Hisaishi uses all kinds of music in his works: from orchestral melodies to the advanced Japanese electronics of the eighties.

Simple Music Ensemble World will feature the music by Joe Hisaishi in its own unique arrangements. These melodies will take our listeners into the magical world of Hayao Miyazaki, where evil is always stronger at first, but in the end good always triumphs over it.

Simple Music Ensemble World is a Chamber Music Community that raises concerts on the world’s best stages and unites professional musicians from different countries who sincerely love their work. The team is multifaceted and is continuously developing, introducing new ideas, expanding the boundaries of their creative activity.

Every Simple Music Ensemble World concert is a memorable event, filled with vibrant impressions and genuine emotions. The band performs in various group casts, ranging from trios to septets. Regardless of the number of members, the musicians create an amazing atmosphere in a concert hall, which attracts the audience and encourages them to attend these performances.

Унесённые призраками — музыка из всемирно известного аниме Хаяо Миядзаки «Унесённые призраками» — культовой работы великого японского сказочника. Это первая анимационная картина, которая получила премию «Оскар» как лучший полнометражный мультфильм.

Важной частью художественного языка Миядзаки стала волшебная музыка композитора Дзё Хисаиси, который выступает его полноправным соавтором, используя всё: от оркестровых мелодий до продвинутой японской электроники восьмидесятых.
Simple Music Ensemble World исполнит музыку Дзё Хисаиси в собственных уникальных аранжировках.

Simple Music Ensemble World — это студия камерной музыки, которая создает концерты на лучших мировых сценах и объединяет профессиональных музыкантов из разных стран, искренне любящих свое дело. Каждый концерт Simple Music Ensemble World — незабываемое событие, дарящее яркие впечатления и неподдельные эмоции. Музыканты выступают в различном составе: от трио до септета, и независимо от количества участников создают восхитительную атмосферу, которая воодушевляет и привлекает зрителей в концертный зал снова и снова.

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